

时间:2024-08-06 09:56:13 林强 经典句子 我要投稿
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  1、goodbye, and have a good year.再见了,祝你未来一年都很顺利。

  2、we are gathered here today to send off one of our upperclassman, mr. smith, who has been appointed to his new post in london. 今天在这里我们在这里相聚,为我们的学长史密斯先生送别,他被派到伦敦担任新职。

  3、may you have the best of luck in san francisco.祝你在旧金山会有很好的运气。

  4、i really don’t know whether to be happy or sad here today.今天在这里我真的不知道要高兴,还是要悲伤。

  5、a year seems like such a long time to be away, so we will miss you a lot, and we hope you will miss us, too.过了一年,似乎是很久远以前的事,我们会很想念我 你,希望你一样想念我们。

  6、we will miss him as a worker amongst us and also as a cheerful friend who could always brighten the day around here.他是我们的同仁,也是让我们在这儿的日子充满欢乐的一位开朗的朋友,我们会怀念他的 。

  7、i hope you will think of me from time to time as i shall be thinking of you always.我希望你们不时会想到我,就像我经常会想着你们一样。

  8、i certainly wish mr. smith the best of luck in everything he undertakes, either academically or socially, at hope college and in america.我祝福史密斯先生在霍浦学院和美国,不论是在学术上或是在社会上,一切顺利,万事如意。

  9、thank you for taking time off from your busy jobs to come here tonight to say goodbye to miss smith.感谢你们今晚从百忙之中抽空到这儿向史密斯小姐道别。

  10、all the members of your department are before you today to wish you farewell and good luck in your future.你部门的所有同仁都来到你面前,祝你一路平安,未来福星高照。

  11、soinstead of concluding my speech with the customary “good-bye,” allow me to say “good luck and much happiness!”不要照一般习惯说“再见”作为结尾,我要说的是“祝好运,万事如意!”

  12、i’m full of excitement.我很兴奋。

  13、i owe a great deal to all of you.我欠你们大家太多了。

  14、thank you for coming here tonight to see me off.谢谢你们今晚来为我送行。

  15、i will miss all of you while i’m away.我没和你们在一起时,我会惦记着你们每个人。

  16、Good luck to you!祝你好运!

  17、Good luck for your future!祝你今后一切顺利! Good luck with you!好运伴你! I wish you a happy life.祝你生活幸福! Warmly greeting to you!真诚地祝福你! All the best!万事如意!

  18、You have our good wishes.我们为你祝贺。 May good luck wait upon you.好运在等你。 Enjoy yourself.祝你过得快活。 Holiday Greetings!节日好!

  19、Have a good time!愿你过得愉快! I hope you have a good voyage.祝你一路顺风。 Have a nice trip.旅行愉快!

  20、Wishing you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快! I hope you are making big progress in your studies.祝你学习取得很大进步。

  21、Wishing you all the luck in the world.祝你好运俱来。 Every success with you!祝你事事成功! Hope things go all right with you!祝你万事如意! Wish you the best of health and success!祝你身体健康,事业成功!

  22、I’m most anxious for you to success.我非常希望你成功。 Wishing you success in your new career!祝你在新的事业上取得成功。

  23、I hope everything goes well.希望你事事顺意。

  24、Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end. 思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。

  25、Departure time is too long and my missing for you is too deep.l am often loss in endless expectation; under the lamp in the winter night, the story happened in the past years often pull up endless thoughts. 别离太久,思念太深,常常失落于无边的期待;冬夜的灯下,过去的故事,总撩起我无尽的幽思。

  26、A long way of life makes us meet and part. The union is ephemeral, but the separation is long. May our hearts be closely together and inseparable for ever. 人生路漫漫,你我相遇又分离。相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长,惟愿彼此的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。

  27、If I should meet thee,After long years,How should I greet thee?With silence and tears. 多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。

  28、If life cheats you,dont be disappointed and

  29、worried.Calmness is needed in melancholy days.Believe that pleasantness is coming.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories. 假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急。阴郁的日子需要镇静。相信吧,那愉快的日子即将来临。心永远憧憬着未来,尽管你现在常常是阴沉的。一切都是瞬息,一切都会过去,而过去了的,将会变成亲切的怀念!

  30、Your image is sail and my eyes are river. How many time l want to urge you to stay but I cant.I know the valuable thing is friendship and the more valuable thing is freedom. 你的身影是帆,我的目光是河流,多少次想挽留你,终不能够,我知道人世间难得的是友情,更宝贵的却是自由。

  31、Tears upon parting add new waves to the long river of memory; wishes for departure are prelude to another meeting.


  33、Dont be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting. 人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。

  34、Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever! 时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远! I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other! 我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

  35、The days without letters are like a pile of warm firewood, lit by memories and filled with thick smoke.

  36、Not every wave surges for the beach, not every star shines for the peaceful night, not every drizzle falls for the wheat seedlings, but my message comes only for your happiness.

  37、We are about to start a new life. No matter what unhappy things you encounter in the future, you can tell me about this friend. If you have something happy to tell me, I am happy to do so.

  38、The sound of the waves still lingers, the past still lingers, the emotions still linger, the singing still lingers, the friends still linger, we are still far away, and the happiness of every day remains forever.

  39、Everything will become the past, vague and messy. Whether we gain or lose, our partner must continue. Lets wave our hands freely and never look back.

  40、No matter how time changes, let sincerity last forever; No matter how the world changes, let kindness last forever; Whether in front of us or in the sky, let beauty last forever; No matter if the distance is close or far, make friends forever!

  41、Perhaps busy days may lead to mutual estrangement, but intimate partners are unforgettable for a lifetime; Dont let time dilute the wine of friendship, dont let the nostalgic hands separated by distance. Time flies, things turn and stars move, but you are still my best companion!

  42、There is a kind of tacit understanding called tacit understanding, a kind of feeling called full of wit, and a kind of happiness called having you by your side. May every shooting star in the sky shine for you, and may every partner on earth hang hands with you.

  43、Let the wind blow away your worries; Let the rain wash away your troubles; Let the sunshine bring you warmth; Let the moon bring you warmth; Let friendship bring you happiness; Let love bring you happiness; Let my message bring you good luck.

  44、A thousand words just want to tell you that we will always be friends. Mountains and rivers can only block my vision, but they cannot stop the progress of my heart.

  45、Friends are hard to find companions in a sea of people; Friends are forever precious lifelong possessions; Friends are silent blessings that silently pray; Friends are like siblings who care about gains and losses; Friends are forever consolidated in hardships, may friends live a peaceful and happy life.

  46、Although we are thousands of miles apart, our hearts are connected to each other; You care about me, I care about you. Let me gently say to you, Dear classmate, I really miss you!

  47、The farther away, the closer the longing, this is the only reason for eternal reflection.

  48、Today, I am in a distant place, folding the yesterday you gave me into a small boat of memories, letting it drift on the ocean of longing.

  49、Tea is tasted with emotions, the more it is tasted, the stronger it becomes; Drink with honesty, the more you drink, the more fragrant it becomes; Emotions should be felt with sincerity, and the deeper the feeling, the more profound it becomes; Friends use understanding to communicate, the more you communicate, the better!

  50、I cherish every acquaintance in life, every warmth between heaven and earth, and every intimate understanding among friends; Even when parting, consider it as a doubled joy for reunion.

  51、I silently pluck the new branches of osmanthus from the full moon, weaving a beautiful dream of longing and sending it to you, who is studying far away.

  52、I cherish every understanding in life, every warmth in the world, and every intimate understanding with my partner; Even if its leaving, count it as double the joy of reunion.

  53、Greetings are a sweet way of hanging around; Missing is a warm feeling; Friends are a lifelong blessing; Friendship is a fate that is hard to find in a lifetime. May our bond always be with us, warmth always be with us, blessings always be with us, fate always be with us, and friendship always be with us.

  54、Although separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, I can still see your mirror like soul and feel your gentle warmth.

  55、Sunrise and sunset, full and short moon, always make people look forward to a pleasant conversation, an unexpected letter, the joy of gathering for a moment, a long conversation overnight, and the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers. Friend, I only look forward to a hint of joy coming from you.

  56、In the season of nostalgia, please do not forget me, just as I have never forgotten you.

  57、Standing by the window again, I found that time passed by quickly, and the fleeting dreams of the past were like remnants of leaves in late autumn, drifting alone in the lake of my heart.

  58、There is a rainbow that doesnt appear after rain or in the sky, it often appears in my heart. When I miss you, I always use this end to tie you and that end to tie me.

  59、I think you should release a small boat and sail towards me on this autumn night when the dusk is gradually falling. Although I know that what should come will come, and what should not come, even though it is only one step away, will not come.

  60、Whether the tea is strong or weak, let the fragrance stay in the heart forever; Regardless of distance, connect memories with each other; No matter how many or few contacts there are, let blessings never change!

  61、Love depends on me, dont rely on me, a thousand words turn into nothingness; You cant forget me, I cant forget you, meeting will have a time.

  62、Parting, the constant drama of life; There is sadness, just because worries fill it; There is reluctance, only because of the deep friendship included. Parting is the beginning of a new process, so I only wish you good luck and all the best on your new journey!

  63、We had to part ways, saying goodbye softly, with gratitude in our hearts for the deep friendship you once gave me.

  64、Flowers never mock the delicate and unadorned buds, because only with buds can they bloom in full bloom and create a garden full of spring colors.

  65、Let me bid you farewell and gently pull out my hand. My longing will take root from now on, and my youth will come to a halt. My friend, please put my blessings on your clothes, and from now on, my greetings will be from the ends of the earth.

  66、We tightly grip each other with both hands, letting the feeling gently caress in our hands, sharing an unforgettable warmth.

  67、Meteors pass by, do not be sad, who will remember whom thousands of years later. Life is like floating clouds in the sky, gathering and dispersing. Todays gathering is for tomorrows gathering. Friend, have a safe journey, cherish your journey, have a safe journey.

  68、Thinking about us who used to be classmates, we went our separate ways after the college entrance examination, and I really cant bear to part ways. Classmate, cherish your future!

  69、Friends are always heart to heart, and close friends are worth a thousand gold. Thinking of virtuous friends under the light, little news spreads good news. I hope that when you hear news, you will always remember your friends heart.

  70、The small forest we wandered through, the blue, yellow, and pink flowers we admired, everything remains the same. When will you come back and we can travel together again?

  71、Missing you is as natural as a hundred rivers returning to the sea! Thinking of you is as comfortable as a gentle breeze brushing my face! Thinking of you is like longing for the fallen leaves on the earth! I miss you, just as I long for you at this moment! Darling, I miss you again!

  72、Whether the tea is strong or weak, let the fragrance stay in the heart forever; Regardless of distance, connect memories with each other; No matter how many or few contacts there are, let blessings never change!

  73、Friends, when we are happy, let us celebrate; When we are sad, let us cry bitterly; In glory, let us enjoy happiness; When faced with difficulties, let us lend a helping hand. Walk well all the way, everything is fine!

  74、The road of life is like a circular track, with the endpoint and starting point together: the old endpoint is the new starting point. The endpoint is yesterday, leaving a record; The starting point heralds a better tomorrow.

  75、If we are destined to pass each other by in this life, then I deeply wish you eternal happiness. Then put away all the little affection and look forward to meeting you in the next life.

  76、The wisps of white clouds on the blue sky are the light sorrow of parting in my heart; However, my heart is as clear as the sky, because I am thinking of a reunion soon.

  77、The grass is lush and green, and my friends are all in front of me. We have known each other for several years, but now the distance between heaven and earth is far. Although it may be difficult to send a text message when we meet, I hope to remember it later. Greetings and blessings never end, hearts are connected thousands of miles apart. May you take care of your body and stay healthy every day!

  78、Youth, I am tireless on my journey. You are about to leave, and I quietly bury all my blessings and hopes beside you, letting them grow along the path of life, giving you a year of abundance and fragrance.

  79、Your parting admonitions resonate deeply in my heart, emitting a faint fragrance like orchids.

  80、Meeting and parting again, parting and reuniting again; Autumn wind blows through the wilderness, and the first phase only lasts for a while. I will cherish our friendship and look forward to the moment when we meet again.

  81、My friend, we need to part ways temporarily. I wont say anything more about take care of yourself. In this night of wanting to go but not going, strive to cast a few small morning stars; Although not very bright, it can still make the early traveler happy.

  82、Leaving behind the beautiful shadows of meeting, taking away the budding lovesickness grass, only the green postal route carries the longing for parting.

  83、The tears of parting are the sea, and the embrace of reunion is the sail. Leaving? Its for meeting again. Parting is for meeting again. Dear colleagues, I wish everyone to approach things with the attitude of a successful person and conduct themselves with dedication. Dear colleagues, I wish everyone to approach things with the attitude of a successful person and conduct themselves with dedication.

  84、I cherish every acquaintance in life, every warmth between heaven and earth, and every intimate understanding between friends; Even separation is seen as a doubled joy for reunion.

  85、Birds and fish have fallen in love. But they live in two worlds. So, the birds sadly flew to another sea area, and the fish swam towards the deepest part of the seabed.

  86、Parting is temporary, spending life together is forever. Parting breeds longing and makes our love even more passionate.

  87、I used to want to accompany you for a lifetime, but now I only wish that the person you hope for can accomplish it. I know Im not that person. Goodbye, my love!

  88、Why is our youth so full of vitality? Why is our life so flourishing? Ah。 Because every moment of our youth and life exists for hope and miracles!

  89、Autumn wind is clear, autumn moon is bright. Fallen leaves gather and disperse, while crows perch and startle again. When will we meet again in love? I feel embarrassed this night. Still pitying the waters of my hometown, sending a boat thousands of miles away.

  90、All things are the expression of our emotions, not just talking. The time to meet has arrived, and I am willing to sit with you on the dreamy Ferris wheel. In the rotation of the Ferris wheel, you can feel the spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and feel the heart to heart connection.

  91、The scariest thing is not separation, but when you come back, they already have better friends.

  92、Adding icing on the cake is like being a buddy, sending charcoal in the snow is like being a friend, sharing blessings and difficulties together is like being a brother, and having a heart to heart connection is like being a confidant. There are not many confidants in my life, and you are my confidant.

  93、Drifting snowflakes, lingering emotions, gazing through the autumn water, and seeing through the path of people from afar.

  94、Gathering is always brief, but parting is long. May our hearts be closely together and never separated.

  95、My heart is forever open for you, please remember my gaze, it will illuminate your path back.

  96、The days without letters are like a pile of warm firewood, lit by memories and filled with thick smoke.

  97、Meeting and bidding farewell, returning to sail and leaving the shore, is the end of past joy and the beginning of future happiness.

  98、Farewell, embarking on a journey full of emotions. Looking back, at least there are stories worth remembering between us. Chew them slowly, and you will find that they are a rich and varied dish with a mix of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty flavors!

  99、Mooring your heart in the harbor where colorful clouds rise, secretly engraving happiness in your heart, using a thread of friendship to tightly bind us to the end of times changes!

  100、I quietly pluck the new branches of osmanthus in the full moon, weave a beautiful dream of longing, and send it to you who is studying far away.

  101、This world is just so imperfect. What you want, you have to lose.

  102、Dont forget to take some time in your busy life to relax and maintain a young and happy heart forever.

  103、Friends are the fulfillment around us; Its a number that I cant help but want to dial at all times; Its the sad words of parting from the cup of green tea sitting long at night.

  104、Although it sounds very pleasant verbally, I feel that our relationship has really grown apart, and we are not as close friends as we used to be who talked about everything.

  105、We are about to start a new life, and no matter what unhappiness we encounter in the future, please let me know as a partner. If you have a happy job and want to let me know, I am very willing.

  106、Thinking about us who used to be classmates, we went our separate ways after the college entrance examination, and I really cant bear to part ways. Classmate, cherish your future!

  107、Friends are always heart to heart, and close friends are worth a thousand gold. Thinking of virtuous friends under the light, little news spreads good news. I hope that when you hear news, you will always remember your friends heart.

  108、Your heart walking in those long moments is like an autumn tree, with leaves drifting helplessly to the ground, only hanging loneliness on the branches.

  109、We dont know the value of friendship when we gather together; After parting ways, I realized that it is the most needed thing in life, like salt. Without it, what would be the taste?


  111、Its never easy to say goodbye, but Im grateful for the memories weve made together.

  112、Wishing you all the best on your new journey. May your path be filled with sunshine and smiles.

  113、Though were parting ways, the bond we share will always remain strong.

  114、Heres to new beginnings and endless possibilities. Farewell, my dear friend.

  115、Remember, wherever life takes you, youll always have a place in my heart.

  116、May your next chapter be filled with adventures, love, and success.

  117、The distance may separate us, but our friendship will always bridge the gap.

  118、Farewell, not goodbye. Until we meet again, keep shining bright.

  119、Take care and stay safe on your travels. Ill be thinking of you every step of the way.

  120、The time weve spent together is treasure Ill cherish forever.

  121、As you embark on this new adventure, may the universe guide and protect you.

  122、Your spirit and laughter will stay with me, even as you venture far.

  123、Sending you love, light, and all the best as you begin this exciting new phase.

  124、Goodbye is not the end, but rather the beginning of missing you.

  125、May your dreams take flight, and your heart remain full of joy.

  126、Im so grateful for the role youve played in my life. Thank you, and farewell.

  127、Wishing you smooth sailing and happy landings wherever life leads you.

  128、The memories weve created will be my compass, guiding me towards you, even from afar.

  129、Lets not cry because its over, lets smile because it happened.

  130、Your future is bright, and I cant wait to see all the amazing things youll accomplish.

  131、Though well miss each other, I know our paths will cross again someday.

  132、Hold tight to the memories, and theyll keep you warm on cold nights.

  133、Farewell, my friend. May your days be filled with laughter and love.

  134、The world is a smaller place with friends like you in it. Safe travels.

  135、Ill carry you in my heart, wherever lifes journey takes me.

  136、Remember, every goodbye is a reminder that love is stronger than distance.

  137、Wishing you a journey filled with magic, wonder, and endless possibilities.

  138、Until next time, keep shining and making the world a better place.

  139、Goodbye, but not for long. Our friendship is timeless.

  140、May your heart be light and your spirit free as you embark on this new adventure.

  141、The stars will guide you, and Ill be here, cheering you on from afar.

  142、Every ending is a new beginning. Embrace it with open arms.

  143、Thank you for being a light in my life. Farewell, until we meet again.

  144、May your journey be filled with beautiful surprises and unforgettable moments.

  145、Distance may keep us apart, but our hearts will always be connected.

  146、Goodbye, my dear friend. May your dreams come true, and your heart remain true to you.

  147、Ill miss you, but Im excited for all the amazing things that lie ahead for you.

  148、As you set sail, may the winds of change carry you to greatness.

  149、Our friendship is a treasure Ill always hold dear. Farewell, until next time.

  150、May your days be filled with laughter, and your nights with sweet dreams.









