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My Friend 英语作文优秀

时间:2024-06-10 08:07:38 优秀作文 我要投稿
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My Friend 英语作文优秀

  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是小编整理的My Friend 英语作文优秀,欢迎阅读与收藏。

My Friend 英语作文优秀

My Friend 英语作文优秀1

  Do you want to know who is my good friend? Please listen to:

  On a cold morning, I accidentally fell down. Angelababy saw, hurriedly ran up and said to me, lift me up: "Lu Yuxiang, you fell and hurt?" I pass my hands according to their legs, said: "my broken leg." Angelababy said: "that I help you go to the school infirmary!" I said: "ok, thank you!" Angelababy held, I went to the school infirmary, the doctor took swabs and dip in a little bit of alcohol, gently apply on my leg. Angelababy asked with concern: "still hurt?" I said: "its all right, thank you!" Angelababy said: "youre welcome, should help each other between classmates, walk be careful next time." Say that finish angelababy and lifted me back into the classroom, let me sit on the seat dont move.

  You know who is my good friend now!

My Friend 英语作文优秀2

  I have a good friend. He is a handsome boy and his eyes shine with wisdom.

  I have known him since Senior One. We are both interested in English. Once both of us entered for an English-§ contest. How eagerly I expected to get a prize! On hearing that I had failed in the contest, I could hardly hold back my tears. "What a pity!" I murmured to myself over and over again. I felt that the world had become cold and everyone seemed to be laughing at me.I love English and have gone all out to study it since my first day in the junior middle school. I have even dreamed of entering a foreign language institute. So I felt very sad.

  Just at this time, I received a short letter in English, saying, "Failure is the mother of success. Cheer up! Dont lose confidence. Keep on your study and you will succeed!" I knew it was from the good friend of se words encouraged me greatly. I forgot all my sadness. From then on, I studied English even harder. In the next English contest, I got the first prize. Of course, he was delighted with my success.

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