

时间:2024-06-10 14:11:11 诗歌 我要投稿





  The Cloud云

  I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,我为焦渴的鲜花,从河川,从海洋, From the seas and the streams;


  I bear light shade for the leaves when laid


  In their noonday dreams.歇息在午睡的梦境。

  From my wings are shaken the dews that waken


  The sweet buds every one,每一朵香甜的.蓓蕾,When rocked to rest on their mother’s breast,当她们的母亲绕太阳旋舞时,摇晃着

  As she dances about the sun.使她们在怀里入睡。

  I wield the flail of the lashing hail,我挥动冰雹的连枷,把绿色的原野

  And whiten the green plains under,捶打得有如银装素裹;

  And then again I dissolve it in rain

  再用雨水把冰雪消溶,我轰然大笑,And laugh as I pass in thunder.当我在雷声中走过。


  The Child And The Honey Bee

  Come here, little bee !

  There are sweet flowers by me ;

  Come, and just let me see

  How your honey is made.

  " Oh ! I can't ; for I fear

  That, for coming too near

  I should pay very dear ;

  I'm afraid ! I'm afraid !”

  O, feel no alarm !

  Not a wing nor an arm -

  Not a part will I harm,While you're sipping your till

  Pretty maid, then I'll come

  Close beside you, and hum ;

  And you shall have some

  Of the sweets I distil."

  My trust then is free

  Just as yours is to me ;

  But, be sure, little bee

  Not to give me your sting !

  "Oh, no, no ! since I flew

  From the cell where I grew

  None has known me to do

  So ungrateful a thing !”

  Then, why thus supplied

  With a sting, but to hide

  And to keep never tried

  Out of sight ? cunning bee !

  " He who gave me the sting,And the swift gauzy wing.

  Bids me not harm a thing

  That would not injure me."


  He knows He Has Wings Victor Hugo


  What matter it though life uncertain be to all?何必去管它,人生总是无定?

  What though its goal Be never reached?有什么关系壮志难成?

  What though it fall and flee.又何必计较你蹉跌并败奔

  Have we not each a soul?我们岂不是各自有灵魂?

  Be like the bird that on a bough too frail要像那鸟儿在柔弱的枝梢

  To bear him gaily swings,经不起它欢乐地跳跃;

  He carols though the slender branches fail.虽然那细枝折断了它仍歌唱

  He knows he has wings!因为它知道自己有翅膀!


  Imaginary Friend


  I came to school today

  今天我来到学校,with my imaginary friend.


  When everyone said hi to him,当每个人对他说嗨的时候,I said, Hes just pretend.


  But no one seemed to notice,但是似乎没有人注意到,which I thought was pretty weird.


  It turns out hed imagined me,原来她扮演我的角色,and, poof, I disappeared.



  A poem dedicated to teachers

  Send you a bouquet of flowers

  To express our respect to you;

  Send you a nice song,

  Give you a trace of sweetness。

  Teacher — You have worked hard,

  You are with us through the trials and tribulations,

  Are you with the knowledge of nutrition will be feeding us,

  But never with obtained。

  Yes you give us to work together to answer another difficult decision,

  Yes you told us:

  Have encountered difficulties in

  Say not to give up easily。

  From then on our lives,

  Full of joy at any time。

  Fewer troubles,

  Add a perseverance。

  Is also a harvest of autumn,

  You still rests with the hands of the brush color。

  Depicts a beautiful blueprint

  Moisten with the peach and plum homeland。

  Night you are still seriously preparing lessons,

  Sleep you still pondering the success of our fun。

  We are in full bloom in spring flowers,

  Yes you give us to play beautiful melody。

  You are hardworking gardener,

  We will keep in mind your earnest discourse。

  Take every step in life,

  Friendliness, bodybuilding, realistic, enterprising!


  Oh Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done,

  The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won,

  The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,

  While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;

  But Oh heart! heart! heart!

  Oh the bleeding drops of red!

  Where on the deck my Captain lies,

  Fallen cold and dead.

  Oh Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;

  Rise up -for you the flag is flung -for you the bugle trills,

  For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths-for you the shores crowding,

  For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turing;

  Here, Captain! dear father!

  This arm beneath your head;

  It is some dream that on the deck

  You've fallen cold and dead.

  My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,

  My father does not feel my arm , he has no pulse nor will;

  The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;

  From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;

  Exult, Oh shores! and ring, Oh bells!

  But I,with mournful tread,

  Walk the deck my captain lies,

  Fallen cold and dead.


  The Pride of Youth

  Proud Maisie is in the wood,

  Walking so early;

  Sweet Robin sits on the bush,

  Singing so rarely.

  “tell me ,thou bonny bird,

  when shall I marry me?”

  -“when six braw gentlemen

  kirkward shall carry ye.”

  “who makes the bridal bed,

  birdie, say truly?”

  -“The gray-headed sexton

  That delves the grave duly.

  “The glowworm o’er grave and stone

  Shall light thee steady;

  The owl from the steeple sing,

  Welcome, proud lady.”




















  The Little Doll小娃娃

  I once had a sweet little doll, dears,我曾经有一个可爱的小娃娃,The prettiest doll in the world;


  Her cheeks were so red and so white; dears,她的脸看起来又红又白;我的亲爱的'

  And her hair was so charmingly curled.


  But I lost my poor little doll, dears,但我失去了我可怜的小娃娃,As I played in the heath one day;


  And I cried for her more than a week, dears;

  我为她哭了一个多星期,But I never could find where she lay.


  I found my poor little doll, dears,我发现我的可怜的小娃娃,As I played in the heath one day:


  Folks say she is terrible changed, dears,人们说她坏掉了,For her paint is all washed away,因为她的油漆都被冲走了

  And her arm trodden off by the cows, dears,她的胳膊被牛踩了一脚

  And her hair not the least bit curled:


  Yet for old sakes' sake she is still, dears,虽然有点旧,而他仍然是我亲爱的娃娃

  The prettiest doll in the world.



  Dream Of A Day

  When I was a little girl,

  I always dreamed of this day,

  I knew the words off by heart,

  I knew exactly what I would say.

  And I imagined my Daddy,

  walking me down that aisle,

  I could see the look on his face,

  I could see the pride in his smile.

  But life doesn't always run to plan,

  I guess that's plain to see,

  and some things just go and happen,

  some things are just meant to be.

  But this is meant to be a happy day,

  happier for others than for some,

  and I just wanted to share some thoughts,

  because I wanted to tell you about my Mom:

  My mother has been my inspiration,

  she has guided me throughout my life,

  and there are some words that I need to say,

  especially now that I'm a wife :)

  You've always been there for me,

  just when I needed you the most,

  and in a moment, we'll drink to you,

  in a moment, to you we shall raise a toast.

  Because you have shown me what love is for,

  and the love that two people can have for one another,

  you have shown me how to be a devoted wife,

  and of course, how to be a wonderful mother.

  Those six years were very tough,

  but that's just when the tough got going,

  and you showed Dad all of your love,

  and gee, you did a lot of showing !

  Even though you've lost the love of your life,

  (and this is one of those meaningful rhymes),

  The Lord will give you all of His strength,

  to get you through your more difficult times.

  And I will also always be there for you,

  if you ever need a shoulder or a helping hand,

  divided we shall fall and be conquered,

  but together and united we will make a stand.

  And if you need someone to just sit and listen,

  then I'll be there just for you,

  because after everything you've done for me,

  this is the very least that I can do.

  Today, I felt my father's spirit,

  I could feel him proudly looking on,

  I could feel his love for us all,

  I could feel where his love brightly shone.

  He just wants you to be happy,

  I know this from deep inside my heart,

  and he knows that he will love you forever,

  and he knows that you'll never truly part.

  And all that he will ever wish,

  and this my dearest wish too,

  is that I have such a wonderful marriage,

  and that I'm loved as much as he loved you.

  And today, my Daddy's spirit was with me,

  and he did indeed walk me down that aisle,

  and I imagined the look upon his face,

  and yes, it was a very proud smile.


  李白 《夜宿山寺》


  不敢高声语,恐惊天上人 。

  Staying Overnight in a Mountain Temple

  Li Bai

  Its tower is one hundred feet high.

  You could reach out and pluck a star.

  We all spoke in hushed voices,Lest we disturb the folks up above.


  by thomas ernest hulme

  a touch of cold in the autumn night -


  i walked abroad,


  and saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge


  like a red-faced farmer.


  i did not stop to speak, but nodded;


  and round about were the wistful stars


  with white faces like town children.




  The leaves had a wonderful frolic

  They danced to the wind's loud song

  They whirled and they floated

  They circled and flew along

  The moon saw the little leaves dancing

  Each looked like a small brown bird

  The man in the moon smiled and listened

  And this is the song he heard:

  The north wind is calling and calling

  And we must whirl round and round

  And then, when our dancing is ended

  We'll make a warm quilt for the ground



  in school,when i saw you

  i intuited i have found

  my lost world in you

  i wish i could act

  to be appreciated

  by you in school.

  in school,it would be too sad

  to narrate the ordeal

  i have been through

  i wonder if its best

  i had met you

  in the school.

  in school,though i had not said it

  there has been so many ways

  that i have shown it

  my actions had done

  whatever i wanted to say

  at school.

  in school,i never thought

  being in love

  could take me to madness

  well,it is better than

  leaving me in sadness

  in the school.

  in school,when i approached you

  i knew i was silly

  it was because

  suddenly,i forgot who i was

  in school

  in school,why do you sneer

  when i am near

  it really breaks me

  just tell me what to do

  to get a room from you

  in and out of school.

  in school,sometimes though it is hard

  i guess i must let go

  some things i wish to have

  though good things also

  could be found elsewhere

  as it has been in school.


  When you are old and gray and full ofsleep,当你老了,白发苍苍,睡思昏沉,And nodding by the fire, take downth book,在炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,And slowly read, and dream of the softlook your eyes had once,慢慢读,回想你过去眼神柔和

  And of their shadows deep;


  How many loved your moments of gladgrace,多少人爱你年轻欢畅时候,And loved your beauty with love falseor true;

  出于假意或真心地爱慕你美貌,But one man loved the pilgrim soul inyou,只有一个人爱你那朝圣者灵魂,And loved the sorrows of your changingface;


  And bending down beside the glowing bars,躬身在红光闪耀炉火旁,Murmur, a littlesadly, how love fled,凄然地低语,爱为何消逝,And paced upon the mountains overhead,在头顶山上,它缓缓踱着步子,And hid h face amid a crowd of stars.



  A Psalm of Life生之赞歌

  A Psalm of Life

  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  Tell me not in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!

  for the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.

  Life is real! Life is earnest!

  And the grave is not its goal;

  Dust thou art, to dust returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.

  Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,Is our destined end or way;

  But to act, that each to-morrow

  Find us farther than to-day.

  Art is long, and Time is fleeting,And our hearts, though stout and brave,Still, like muffled drums, are beating

  Fneral marches to the grave.

  In the world's broad field of battle,In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb, driven cattlt!

  Be a hero in the strife!

  Thrust no future,howe'er pleasant!

  Let the dead Past bury its dead!

  Act-act in the living Present!

  Heart within, and God o'erhead!

  Lives of great men all remind us

  We can make our lives sublime,And , departing , leave behind us

  Footprints on the sands of time;

  Footprints that perhaps another,Sailing o'er life's solemn main,A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,Seeing, shall take heart again.

  Let us , then, be up and doing,With a heart for any face;

  Still achieving, still pursuing,Learn to labour and to wait.






















  When you are old(当你老了)

  When you are old

  When you are old and grey and full of sleep,

  And nodding by the fire, take down this book,

  And slowly read, and dream of the soft look

  Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

  How many loved your moments of glad grace,

  And loved your beauty with love false or true,

  But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,

  And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

  And bending down beside the glowing bars,

  Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled

  And paced upon the mountains overhead

  And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
























