

时间:2023-11-27 07:08:16 英语教案 我要投稿
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  在本单元,同学们通过阅读课文“We’ve Lost Our Dad !”和“Tell Him What you think of him !”,可以培养自己独立生活的能力和诚实的品德,克服粗心大意的毛病,同时还可以了解英语的幽默感。



  四会单词和词组:fly ( n .) , in order that , shout at , get in touch with , in common , turn up , rude , on one’s own , by accident , cigar , announcement , truth , book (v .) , charge , stupid , permit , prison , couple , district

  三会单词和词组:waiter , lay the table , track , extremely , determine , carriage , absence , rush hour , brake , cyclist


  Expressing Feelings (表达感情)

  Some useful expressions:

  A . Expressing anxiety

  1 . What's wrong ? / What's the matter ( with you ) ? / Is there anything the matter ?

  2 . Oh , what shall I / we do ?

  3 . We were all anxious about…

  B . Expressing surprise

  1 . Really ? / Oh dear ? / Is that so ? / Good heavens !

  2 . I can hardly believe my ears .

  3 . My Goodness ! / Goodness !

  C . Expressing pleasure

  1 . I'm glad / pleased / happy to…

  2 . That's nice / wonderful / great .

  3 . Hopefully tomorrow will turn fine .


  1)Expressing anxiety表示焦虑

  A : You seem to be worried about something . What's the matter ?

  B : It's about Peter .

  A : What's the matter with him ?

  B : You know , we are supposed to (应该) do the work today , but he still hasn't got everything ready . And this is not the first time . How can we get things done if everyone works that way ?

  A : I understand how you feel . I'll speak to him about it at once .

  2)Expressing surprise表示惊奇

  A:Oh , dear ! What's the matter with you , young man ? You almost ride over me !

  B : I'm very sorry , madam . I really didn't see you . Are you hurt ?

  A : Well , thank Goodness , I'm not hurt .

  B : Is that so ( Really ) ?

  A : Yes . Good heavens ! Look at my new dress ! Today is my first wear .

  B : I beg your pardon , madam .

  A : For God's sake (看在上帝份上) , I'll let you pass . But do be careful next time ! It's really dangerous to ride so fast in the street .

  3)Expressing pleasure表示喜悦

  A : What a nice dress ! Mary , you look beautiful today .

  B : It's very kind of you to say so . You look beautiful , too ! Where did you get your lovely new hat ?

  A : It's a birthday present from my sister .

  B : Your sister has a very good taste (你姐姐真有眼力) . The hat is really beautiful .

  A : Thank you for your compliments (夸奖) .


  学习not … until / till和复习句子的省略。特别要真正掌握not until型的强调表达和倒装表达。


  not…until ( till )的四种句型

  如果主句谓语动词是持续性动词,则主句常用肯定式,表示“直到……为止”,即:主句(用肯定式) + until ( till )时间状语或状语从句。例如:

  I worked until ( till ) he came back .我工作到他回来为止。

  I watched TV until ( till ) 10 o'clock .我看电视一直到10点钟。

  如果主句的谓语动词是瞬间动词,则主句必须用否定式,译为“直到……才”,即:主句(用否定式) + until ( till )时间状语或状语从句。例如:

  I didn't go to bed until ( till ) he came back .直到他回来我才睡觉。

  I didn't go to bed until ( till ) 10 o'clock last night .昨晚我直到10点钟才睡觉。


  Until I finished my homework , I didn't go to bed .直到做完家庭作业我才睡觉。

  Not + until时间状语或状语从句+助动词(常用did ) +主语+动词原形(注:not放在句首,故用部分倒装)译为:“直到……才”。可以简化成:Not until…did +主语。例如:

  Not until I finished my homework did I go to bed last night .

  I didn't go to bed until ( till ) 10 o'clock last night .昨晚我直到10点钟才睡觉。


  Until I finished my homework , I didn't go to bed .直到做完家庭作业我才睡觉。

  Not + until时间状语或状语从句+助动词(常用did ) +主语+动词原形(注:not放在句首,故用部分倒装)译为:“直到……才”。可以简化成:Not until…did +主语。

  Not until I finished my homework did I go to bed last night .昨晚直到做完家庭作业我才睡觉。

  Not until last week did he realize he was wrong .直到上星期他才认识到他是错误的。

  It was not + until时间状语或状语从句+ that +主句

  (注:此句型实际上是强调not until状语或状语从句。同学们应该记住:无论是强调时间、地点或原因状语,一般只用that。这一点与定语从句不同,且此句型是陈述句语序,不用倒装。 )可以简化成句型:It was not until… + that .例如:

  It was not until I finished my homework that I went to bed .是在做完作业之后我才去睡觉的。

  It was not until last week that he realized he was wrong .一直到上个星期他才认识到他是错误的。


  1 . It was not ____ she took off her glasses ____ I realized she was a famous film star .

  A . when ; that B . until ; that C . until ; when D . when ; then

  2 . Not until the early years of 19th century ____ what heat is .

  A . man did know B . man knew C . didn't man know D . did man know

  3 . Not until I began to work ____ how much time I had wasted .

  A . didn't I realize B . did I realize C . I didn't realize D . I realized

  4 . Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was .

  A . did the villagers realize B . the villagers realized

  C . the villagers did realize D . didn't the villagers realize

  5 . It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcast began .

  A . while B . which C . that D . since






  This kind of disease is caused by flies .

  〖点拨〗fly作动词的常见搭配有:fly nonstop from Shanghai to New York从上海直飞纽约。fly a kite放风筝。fly from从……逃亡。fly at攻击(不用被动语态)。let fly (at)射击

  2. absence不在;缺席

  His absence from school was caused by illness .他缺课是因为生病。

  〖点拨〗absence为不可数名词,但是,在表达“一次缺席或者不在”时是可数名词。如:He made up a wonderful story to explain his several absences .

  He returned after an absence of twenty minutes .

  注意:absence的形容词是absent 。常见搭配有:during one’s absence某人不在时。be absent from school ( work , home )没上学(不上班,不在家)。

  3. truth真相;实际情况

  The whole truth has come out .真相已水落石出。

  〖点拨〗truth to tell you = to tell (you ) the truth说真的。这是个固定词组,在句中作状语。如:To tell you the truth , he stole books from the bookstore .

  4. charge费用;价钱;索价

  What are your charges for the room ?住房费是多少?

  The exhibition is open to the public without charge .

  〖点拨〗charge sb +钱+ for sth因……收费……。How much do you charge for …? ……多少钱?如:The hotel charged me 50 yuan for a room for the night .

  How much do you charge for a haircut ?

  5. determine决定;决心

  We determine to buy a computer .

  〖点拨〗be determined to do = make up one’s mind to do下决心干…… 。

  6. permit许可;执照;营业证;允许

  You can’t enter the research center without a permit .

  〖点拨〗permit sb to do允许某人干……。permit doing允许干……。如:

  We don’t permit smoking here .

  注意:permit常用在独立主格结构中。如:Time permitting , we’ll have a meeting this evening . = If time permits , …

  另外,注意permit的现在分词、过去式和过去分词要双写词尾:permitting , permitted 。

  7. prison监狱

  She was sentenced to two years in prison .她被判两年徒刑。

  〖点拨〗注意,当prison表示蹲监狱时,其前不用冠词。如:go to prison进监狱。be in prison住监狱。 break prison越狱。

  〖误〗She has gone to prison for five months .

  〖对〗She has been in prison for five months .

  She went to prison five months ago .

  8. couple夫妇;一对

  They are a newly married couple .

  〖点拨〗couple (侧重种类不同),而pair侧重一套和配对性。the couple作主语时其后的谓语可以用单数,这时把它看成一个整体。另外,a couple of可以表示“几个”。如:

  The young couple seems / seem excited .

  They keep / raise a couple of dogs .他们养了几只狗。


  1. treat … as , consider … as , regard … as , look on / upon …as , take …as , think of…as把……当作。如:

  She looked on him as her best friend .

  2. How did you find …?=What do you think of … ?你认为……怎么样?/你是如何发现的?

  3. come back , be back , go back , get back回;归

  He’ll go back after dinner .

  4. on one’s own独自、靠自己。of one’s own属于自己的。如:

  Can you carry your luggage on your own ?

  I’d like to have a room of my own .

  5. be angry about / at sth对某事生气。be angry with sb 。(be有时换作get)

  6. this way这边走;这般;如此

  She always works (in) this way .

  Will you please come this way ?

  7. lay / set the table摆桌子(准备吃饭)

  8. by accident=by chance意外地;偶然地

  9. on vacation度假“度假”还可以用:on holiday , have a vacation , have a holiday , take a vacation / holiday , on leave 。

  10. from side to side左右。side by side肩并肩。from all sides从四面八方。

  11. in common共用;有共同之处

  They have a lot in common .

  Has a balloon anything in common with a plane ?

  In common with many young people , he prefers popular music .

  12. get in touch with和……联系

  They promised to get in touch again with each other when they both returned to the States .

  注意:lose touch with和……失去联系。keep in touch with和……保持联系。keep in close touch with和……保持密切的联系。

  13. for oneself自己亲自干……;为自己

  He opened the window to see for himself .

  by oneself独自地,of oneself自动地,in oneself本来;原来,to oneself专用。如:He has a room to himself .

  14. or rather更确切地说

  They knew , or rather thought that their father was on the same train .

  We got home late last night , or rather , early this morning .

  15. be up to sth在做某事;有能力做

  What is he up to now ? = What is he busy in doing ?

  He was not up to the work that had been given him .

  注意:be up to sb由某人干……

  It’s up to me to help you .

  16. take time over sth花时间干……

  Two hours is a long time to take over a coffee .

  I usually take about half an hour over my breakfast .

  How long are you going to take over the meeting ?

  17. on one’s own独自;靠自己的力量

  You have to make a decision on your own .

  18. have a telephone message from从……接到一个电话通知

  19. be to do准备干……

  Who is to speak at the meeting ?

  20. book … for订……

  You have to book three seats for your journey .

  21. put the charge on the bill把费用记在……的帐上

  Please put the charge for electricity on my bill .

  22. turn up出现;到场;露面;开大

  She didn’t turn yesterday .

  23. in public公开地;在大庭广众之下


  24. in the rush hour在上下班高峰的时间

  25. in the other direction在对面方向

  注意:in the direction of朝……方向去。in the wrong direction , in the opposite direction , in all directions , in every direction 。

  26. be determined to do决心干……

  27. lay down放下

  28. a danger to对……是危险的

  Smoking is a danger to health .

  29. be in time for及时地赶上

  Do you think we can get there in time for the film ?

  30. in surprise吃惊地

  31. in silence默默地;沉默不语地

  32. do the talking讲讲话

  Last time we met I did most of the talking .上次我们见面时,我说的最多。

  33. take the lift (up) to乘电梯到……

  Shall we take the lift up to the third floor ?


  1. Soon he got talking to another person who happened to be American too .

  〖明晰〗get talking为get + ing表示某种状态的变化,表示一个新动作的开始。get在这里已经是连系动词了。又如:

  He warned his son not to get smoking .

  She got caught by the police .

  2. He had gone through six carriages when he found he could go no further .

  She had gone through just a few carriages before she found herself at the front of the train .

  〖明晰〗had + done … when / before sb +过去式“刚……就;一当……便”。

  We had stayed in the hotel for nearly an hour when / before word came that she had an accident .

  另外,注意:had + done … when / before …的倒装结构是:Hardly had …… 。如:

  Hardly had she seen the snake when she gave out a cry of fear .

  3. She found herself at the front of the train .

  〖明晰〗find的复合结构有:find +宾语+介词短语(形容词、现在分词、过去分词、副词、不带to的不定式)。如:

  I found the story moving .(形容词)

  I found the snake moving from side to side . (现在分词)

  I found the snake move that day . (不定式)

  4. By that time Tina and Max were beginning to feel less anxious .


  We are glad you are beginning to see the importance of English .

  5. I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry with me for having been so rude .

  〖明晰〗for having been so angry是作状语的,说明be angry的原因。having been是现在完成时,表示动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。又如:

  I don’t know remember having told you about it .

  Jim was punished for having killed the dog .

  She was sorry for having wasted so much time .

  6. Now I joke and say to everyone that I dare tell my manager exactly what I think of him .

  〖明晰〗这是一个复合句,that引导的宾语从句中又有what引出另一个作tell的宾语从句。另外,joke在本句是不及物动词,joke with sb about sth因……和某人开玩笑。



  Three Feet

  Dotty Aunt Muriel received a letter one morning and upon reading it burst into a flood of tears .

  “What's the matter ?”asked her companion .

  “Oh, dear ,”sobbed Auntie, “it's my favorite nephew, he's got three feet .”

  “Three feet now ?”exclaimed her friend, “Surely that's not possible ?”

  “Well, ”said Auntie, “his mother's just written to tell me he's grown another foot !”







  注:foot有“脚,英尺”的意思。这里he's grown another foot是“他又长了一英尺”的意思。

  Where to Stick the Stamp ?

  A very grand lady made her very first visit to a post office ─— previously one of her servants had always gone for her . And in she went to purchase a postage stamp . Gazing at the small gummed piece of paper she said haughtily to the clerk, “Have I got to stick this on myself ?”

  “No, lady, ”came the reply. “You stick it on the envelope !”




  注:“Have I got to stick this on myself ?”有两个意思:1. “我得自己贴这东西吗?”;2. “我得把这东西贴在自己身上吗?”贵夫人指前者,邮务员指后者。


  One day , I went into the forest for an investigation (考察) with several African friends . On the way back , we saw a great group of ants get in our way . It was full two metres wide . The dark mass of ants gave out a loud rustling (沙沙的) sound as if a fine rain were falling . Some little animals , such as frogs , insects and so on , were eaten up on the way of the ants' moving . We also saw a big snake thick as an arm was tormented (折磨) to death by the ants .

  I was about to rush across it when one of my African friends stopped me . He said , “This is that the ants are moving to another place . The ants of this kind are terrible . Once you are bitten by them , red spots (斑) will appear on your skin , which will make you itch (发痒) horribly . You also will have a high fever . ”I was afraid at his words . He said again , “We mustn't ask for trouble . ”So we had to wait for more than an hour . We didn't go on with our journey until they passed by .

  1 . From the passage we can know the writer _______ .

  A . is from Africa B . is from America

  C . is a visitor D . is a scientist

  2 . “a fine rain”here may mean _______ .

  A .好雨B .春雨C .细雨D .大雨

  3 . One the way of the ants' moving , little animals ______ .

  A . were all killed B . were all distroyed

  C . were all driven away D . were all badly tormented

  4 . Why was the writer stopped to rush across the group of the ants ? Because ________ by the ants .

  A . he would be eaten up B . he would badly itch

  C . he would be bitten D . he would be badly wounded

  5 . Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?

  A . Having An Investigation B . The Bad Ants In Africa

  C . Ants Moving D . Ants Eating Little Animals

  答案及简析:1 . D。从作者和几位非洲朋友去森林考察,可知作者不是非洲人,是从事考察的科学家。2 . C。可以想象到,只有在下细雨时,雨滴打在物体上会发出沙沙的声音。 3 . A。eat up是“吃掉(完) ”的意思,也意味着被杀光的意思。D项后没有to death ,只意味着“被折磨”,而没有“死去”的意思。 4 . C。从故事的描述来看,人不可能被吃掉,只是被咬伤后引起其它的不适或病症。 5 . C。一篇故事的题目须体现故事的主题。这篇故事的主线是作者看到蚂蚁搬家时的情景,因此是故事的主题。





  1 .省略主语。

  (I) Beg your pardon .

  (You) Come to the front and act out the dialogue .

  (It) Doesn't matter .


  (Is) Anything the matter?

  I helped Tom more than John(did) .

  John came in September but Bob(came) in October .


  “Do you know his girlfriend?”“No, I don't know (his girlfriend)”

  Mary washed(the shirts), Jane ironed ( the shirts) , and Alice folded the shirts .



  Coral is not a plant but(it its) a variety of animal life .

  “Do you like this TV play?”“Yes, (I like it) very much . ”

  (It's a) Pity you couldn't come .

  Unless(it is) necessary, we mustn't speak Chinese at the English evening .


  “Will you come to dine with me?”“

  “I'd like/love to (come to dine with you) . ”

  注:单独使用动词不定式符号to,来代替整个动词不定式,主要是以下一些动词,expect, prefer, come mean, forget, want, wish, hope, try等。


  He will come back, but I don't know when (he will come back) .

  Before he could ask why (she wanted to stop), the woman was out of the car .



  This is the book (that/which) I read last week .

  b)that引导的定语从句修饰day, time, way, distance, manner等表示时间、距离、方式、频度等意义的先行词时常被省略。如:

  I arrived here the day(that) he left .

  the way(that) people do things

  8.在以what, how开头的感叹句中,常省略句子的主语it和系动词be。如:

  What a wonderful victory(it is) for me?

  How funny (it is) to skate in winter!

  9.在独立主格结构中的being和having being可以省略。

  The meeting (being) over, we all went home .

  All the tickets(having being) sold out, we had to go again the next day .


  “How long have you lived here?”“(I've lived here for) Five years . ”

  “Where does your brother study?”“(He studies at) No . 4 Middle School . ”





  1 . I haven ' t heard from her since she lived in Shanghai .




  2 . The film is not interesting and instructive .



  【析】not . . . and . . .连接两个对等成分表示部分否定,实际上是一种否定转移现象,常译成“……但不……”。这时not实际上是否定后面的部分,肯定and前面的部分。

  3 . I ' m used to living in the countryside .



  【析】“be used to +名词或动名词”,习惯于……,“used to +动词原形”,过去常常……。如:I used to live in the countryside when I was small .我小时候,常常住在乡下。

  4 . The ship is in repair .



  【析】船正在修理。可说The ship is under repair .

  5 . All of them cannot swim .



  【析】all , every , both等与not连用,是“部分否定”,如:I don ' t like both ofthe novels .这两本小说我并不都喜欢。Every one cannot make music .不是每一个人都懂

  音乐的。“全部否定”要用no , none等词,如:“他们都不会游泳”可说:None of them can swim .

  6 . I have passed over this article .



  【析】pass over是“忽略”,“不注意”。“看过”可说run over , look through等。

  7 . The doctor is presently writing a book .




  8 . He was only too goad to help you .



  【析】too… to …是“太……不能……”之意,但only too = very,所以,“only too … to”不是否定语气,而是加强了肯定语气。

  9 . He never talks at table .



  【析】at table = having a meal或during a meal ,作“进餐”解。在“桌子旁边”应是at the table。

  10 . There are many cookers in the kitchen .




  11 . I don ' t care if I go there .



  【析】care后接从句作“介意,计较”解。后跟不定式作“喜欢”解。“我不愿去那里”,要说I don ' t care to go there .

  12 . He is a most learned man .



  【析】“a most … ”用来加强语气,作“非常、极其”解。有时most前不加

  不定冠词。如:He is most polite to me .他对我很有礼貌。

  13 . Not a few of us failed in the exam .



  【析】not a few = quite a few作“不少,相当多”解。

  14 . She seemed to be not a little afraid .



  【析】not a little相当于much,作“许多,很”解。

  15 . There is no question of our leaving on such a rainy day .



  【析】“There ' s no question of ( one ' s ) doing = There ' s no possibility of … ”,意思是“……是不可能的”或“不必……”之意。







  5、他决定要向她求婚(propose to)已经很久了。(determine)




  1、 He has been in prison for five years . / He went to prison five years ago . / It’s five years since he went to prison . / Five years has passed since he went to prison .

  2. Mother permitted / allowed me to join the League . / I joined the League with the permission of Mother . / I joined the League with Mother’s permission .

  3. He doctored the sick without charge . / He served his patients free of charge .

  4. After many absences from school , he found it difficult for him to catch / follow what the teacher said .

  5. For a long time he was determined to propose to her .


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