

时间:2024-09-02 08:50:53 谚语 我要投稿
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  1、冬有大雪是丰年。Heavy snow in winter is a good year.

  2、立冬节到,快把麦浇。When the Winter Festival comes, pour the wheat quickly.

  3、立冬不倒股,就怕雪来捂。If you don't fall in winter, you will be afraid of the snow.

  4、麦盖三层被,头枕馍馍睡。Maigai three bedding, head pillow sleeping.

  5、冬至雨,小寒见霜冻。Winter solstice rains, small cold see frost.

  6、冬至晴,来年百果生。Winter solstice is sunny and fruitful in the coming year.

  7、今冬大雪飘,来年收成好。Heavy snow drifts this winter and good harvest next year.

  8、小雪见晴天,有雪到年边。It's snowy until the end of the year.

  9、立冬晴,一冬晴;立冬雨,一冬雨。Winter is clear, winter is clear, winter is rainy, winter is rainy.

  10、冬至晴,明年阴雨多。Winter solstice is sunny, and next year it will rain a lot.

  11、粮田棉田全冬耕,消灭害虫越冬蛹。Winter tillage of grain and cotton fields eliminates overwintering pupae of pests.

  12、冬有三天雪,人道十年丰。There are three days of snow in winter and ten years of humanity.

  13、雨水泥泞溅一身,冰地摔倒伤骨筋。The rain and mud splashed all over, and the ice fell down and hurt the bones and tendons.

  14、争犁不争耙,碱地养坷垃。Strive for plough and harrow, and raise rubble in alkaline land.

  15、今冬雪不断,明年吃白面。Snow keeps falling this winter and white noodles will be eaten next year.

  16、冬至无雨,来年夏至旱。There is no rain in winter solstice and drought in summer next year.

  17、冬至晴一天,雨雪连。Winter solstice sunny day, Spring Festival rain and snow.

  18、冬至没打霜,夏至干长江。The winter solstice did not frost, but the summer solstice dried up the Yangtze River.

  19、年前杈多,年后穗多。Many years ago, many ears after.

  20、初八,冻掉下巴。On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, chin was frozen off.

  21、今冬麦盖一尺被,明年馒头如山堆。This winter wheat covers a foot of quilt, next year steamed buns piled like mountains.

  22、麦子要长好,冬灌少不了。Winter irrigation is indispensable for wheat to grow well.

  23、冬至有雪来年旱,冬至有风冷半冬。Winter solstice has snow, next year drought, winter solstice has wind and cold half winter.

  24、小寒大寒寒得透,来年春天天暖和。It's very cold and cold. It's warm next spring.

  25、大雪兆丰年,无雪要遭殃。Heavy snow augurs good years, no snow will suffer.

  26、冬至南风百日阴。Winter solstice south wind 100 days overcast.

  27、定时、定量,先草后料,少给勤添。Timing, quantitative, grass before material, less to add.

  28、追肥浇水接划搂,三个环节要紧扣。Topdressing, watering and scratching are three key links.

  29、立冬种豌豆,一斗还一斗。When peas are planted in winter, a bucket is worth a bucket.

  30、冬天骤热下大雪。It snowed heavily in the winter.

  31、大雪封地一薄层,拖拉机还能把地耕。A thin layer of snow can cover the land and the tractor can till it.

  32、要吃丰收瓜,冬天把窝挖。We should eat plentiful harvest melons and dig our nests in winter.

  33、冬至毛毛雨,夏至涨大水。The winter solstice drizzles and the summer solstice floods.

  34、今冬麦盖三层被,明年枕着馒头睡。This winter wheat cover three bedding, next year sleeping on steamed buns.

  35、立冬,青黄刈到空。In winter, green and yellow are mowed to the empty.

  36、立冬不倒针,不如土里闷。It's better to be stuffy in the soil than needle in the winter.

  37、小寒暖,立春雪;小寒寒,惊蛰暖。Small cold and warm, early spring snow; small cold, warm sting.

  38、立冬不砍菜,就要受冻害。If you don't cut vegetables in the early winter, you will suffer frost damage.

  39、白雪堆禾塘,明年谷满仓。White snow makes a pond, and next year the barn will be full.

  40、冬至暖,冷到三月中。Winter solstice is warm and cold until mid-March.

  41、立冬不分针,不如土里蹲。It's better to squat in the earth without needles in the beginning of winter.

  42、隔冬挖好南瓜窝,南瓜结得大又多。Dig the pumpkin nest every other winter, and the pumpkin will grow big and plentiful.

  43、冬至有霜,腊雪有望。The winter solstice is frosty and wax snow is hopeful.

  44、过了大寒,又是一年。After the cold, another year.

  45、三耕六耙九锄田,一季庄稼抵一年。Three ploughs, six harrows, nine hoes, one season of crops arrives one year.

  46、根深不怕大风刮。Deep roots are not afraid of strong winds.

  47、好地难得淤沙,碱地难得坷垃。Sediment is seldom found in good soil, and rubble is seldom found in alkaline land.

  48、冬雪消除四边草,来年肥多虫害少。Winter snow eliminates four sides of grass, more fertilizer and fewer pests in the coming year.

  49、大寒见三白,农人衣食足。When the cold comes, the peasants have enough food and clothing.

  50、豌豆一条根,只要耕得深。Peas need only be plowed deep, one root at a time.

  51、麦子盘好墩,丰收有了根。The wheat is well discarded and the harvest has roots.

  52、立了冬,耧再摇,种一葫芦打两瓢。When winter is over, shake it again and plant one gourd and strike two gourds.

  53、土地耕得深,瘦土出黄金。The land is plowed deep, and gold is mined.

  54、适时巧耕地,碱地养坷垃。Timely and skillful cultivation of arable land, alkaline land to support rubbish.










