

时间:2024-05-22 16:55:33 大学英语作文 我要投稿





  When I was in middle school some of my classmates were smoking cigarettes.These classmates were both boys and girls.Another problem was the tendency toward vandalism and theft.

  Although only a very few persons were involved in these situations.I often felt uneasy and unsure about their actions.We have been taught to strive to be good citizens and cultivate good character,but at such a young age it is disturbing.

  Many adults smoke, yet young people today should worry about the possibility of cancer.Also people should know crime is bad and not rewarding,yet my classmates feel pressure from our society to cultivate another image.Perhaps now is the time both parents and teachers should spend more time talking to teenagers about the problems they are facing.


  One day, when I was six years old, my aunt cane to see us form Shanghai. My parents and brother happened to be out then.It was late in the afternoon. The room was a little dark. My aunt felt tired. I asked her to sit down and have a rest. "When are your daddy and mummy, my dear?" asked Aunt. " They have gone shopping and will be back in an hour. I‘ll fetch a cup of tea for you, aunty." When I went into the kitchen, a good idea came into my mind: After a ling journey my aunt must be very hungry. I‘ll give her a cup of milk instead of a cup of tea. When I opened the cupboard. I saw a bottle of ‘milk‘ powder in it. I poured a cup of the ‘milk‘ and gave it to my aunt. " Thank you very much. It‘s very kind of you," she said. " Please taste the milk. Has it enough sugar?" My aunt took a sip of the ‘milk‘ and spilt it out at once. " What is it, Ranran?" she asked in surprise. " It‘s milk," I said loudly and proudly. " But it doesn‘t taste like milk. Where did you get it?" I took Aunt into the kitchen and showed the bottle to her. Oh, it turned out to be a bottle of washing powder!In the evening my parents came back. When they heard what I did, my mother said to me with a smile, " You are great. You have learned to entertain guests without us."Several years have passed. NNow I am a middle school student. Every time my parents repeat the story, we have a good laugh over it.family


  in the present words,science has been developing fast,but people still have a high opinion of artists.what can the arts tell us of the life that science cannot ? arts is the making and epressions of what are beautiful and pleasure in human lives..people have paid no less attention to arts than they have paid to science since the beginning of human civilization.why is arts so important ?

  the main reason is that compared with natural sciences,arts (humanities and fine arts)serves rudder. first of all,arts plays a essential role in moulding magnificent qualities of people.a majority of works and writings not only epressed the impressive feelings in the world,which were sentimental and natural,but also gave us many ideas about love,faith and charity.in fact,these ideas have withstood the test of time.they represent the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors down through the ages.people,who equipped with these theories,can make sound judgements about any problems which may crop up.

  secondly,arts is the source of happiness in our lives.for instance,a classic light opera can give delight to millions of people.and moreover,some painting masterpieces are eactly a great satisfactions .

  especially, some ecellent literature works enrich our lives and make us feel that we are part of the great family of mankind.therefore,it is nothing but the arts that brings optimistic mental conditions to us.

  in addition arts subjects are good for boosting children’s mental development.recently,a american study shows that mozart’s works can help children to improve their graphic cognition.hence arts education is not only of benefit to moulding people’s quality,but also to discovering people’s potential. all in all ,the arts’ contribution to our lives can not be replaced by science although both arts and science push the boundaries of human cognition.


  Dreams and Reality

  When we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on. Dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. The opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. Reality always frustrates us to be successful. We need to balance them. First, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. Second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality.




  the bustle of the hospital was a welcome distraction as i opened my new patients chart and headed for her room. my son, eric, had just brought home a disappointing report card, and my daughter, shannon, and i had argued again about her getting a drivers license. for the net eight hours i wanted to throw myself into helping people who i knew had much more to worry about than i did.

  rebekah was only 32, admitted for chemotherapy after breast-cancer surgery, when i entered her room it took me a moment to spot her amid the bouncing forms of three giggling little girls.

  i told rebekah i would be her nurse and she introduced her husband, warren; si-year-old ruthie; four-year-old hannah; and two-year-old molly. warren coaed the girls away from their mother with a promise of ice cream and assured rebekah they would return the net day.

  as i rubbed alcohol on her arm to prepare it for the intravenous line, rebekah laughed nervously. i have to tell you im terrified of needles. itll be over before you know it, i said. ill give you a count of three.

  rebekah shut her eyes tightly and murmured a prayer until it was over. then she smiled and squeezed my hand. before you go, could you get my bible from the table? i handed her the worn book. do you have a favorite bible verse? she asked. jesus wept. john 11: 35. such a sad one, she said. why?

  it makes me feel closer to jesus, knowing he also eperienced human sorrow.

  rebekah nodded thoughtfully and started flipping through her bible as i shut the door quietly behind me.

  during the following months i watched rebekah struggle with the ravages of chemotherapy. her hospital stays became frequent and she worried about her children. meanwhile i continued to contend with raising my own kids. they always seemed either out or holed up in their rooms. i missed the days when they were as attached to me as rebekahs little girls were to her.

  for a time it had seemed rebekahs chemotherapy was working. then doctors discovered another malignant lump. two months later, a chest -ray revealed the cancer had spread to her lungs. it was terminal. help me to help her through this, i prayed.

  one day when i entered her room, i found her talking into a tape recorder. she picked up a yellow legal pad and held it out to me. im making a tape for my daughters, she said.

  i read the list on her pad: starting school, confirmation, turning 16, first date, graduation. while i worried how to help her deal with death, she was planning for her childrens future.

  she usually waited until the early hours of the morning to record the tapes so she could be free from interruptions. she filled them with family stories and advice?trying to cram a lifetime of love into a few precious hours. finally, every item in her notes had been checked off and she entrusted the tapes to her husband.

  i often wondered what i would say in her place. my kids joked that i was like an fbi agent, with my constant questions about where theyd been and who theyd been with. where, i thought, are my words of encouragement and love?

  it was three oclock one afternoon when i got an urgent call from the hospital. rebekah wanted me to come immediately with a blank tape. what topic has she forgotten? i wondered.

  she was flushed and breathing hard when i entered her room. i slipped the tape into the recorder and held the microphone to her lips. ruthie, hannah, molly?this is the most important tape. she held my hand and closed her eyes. someday your daddy will bring home a new mommy. please make her feel special. show her how to take care of you. ruthie, honey, help her get your brownie uniform ready each tuesday. hannah, tell her you dont want meat sauce on your spaghetti. she wont know you like it separate. molly, dont get mad if theres no apple juice. drink something else. its okay to be sad, sweeties. jesus cried too. he knows about sadness and will help you to be happy again. remember, ill always love you.

  i shut off the recorder and rebekah sighed deeply. thank you, nan, she said with a weak smile. youll give this one to them, wont you? she murmured as she slid into sleep.

  a time would come when the tape would be played for rebekahs children, but right then, after i smoothed rebekahs blanket, i got in my car and hurried home. i thought of how my shannon also liked her sauce on the side and suddenly that quirk, which had annoyed me so many times, seemed to make her so much more precious. that night the kids didnt go out; they sat with me long after the spaghetti sauce had dried onto the dishes. and we talked ? without interrogations, without complaints?late into the night.


  Yuki midorikawa is one of my favorite Japanese cartoonists. Most of her works are short stories, ingeniously designed,and animation is filled with a touch of sadness. So she has many fans.


  Through her works, my favorite one is Xiamuyourenzhang.


  The comic book mainly talks about that the hero Xiamuguizhi has a special ability to see the bogies. He is unsociable because his parents are dead. And he often lives in his relatives' home when he is a little boy and his friends at his age always tease him because he has a special ability. Although he experiences many unfortunate things, he is still very kind and without complaint at anyone. Eventually he is adopted by a couple who is very friendly and let him go to high school. One day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine. He breaks a powerful bogie‘s seal whose name is Ban. And that involves her grandmother Xiamulingzi’s relics--a contract that sigh with the bogies. Since then, this powerful bogie turns itself into a cat in daily life to stay with Xiamu to protect him with the condition that Xiamu should give the contract to it after he die. But before that Xiamu decides to try his best to give the name in the contracts to the bogies and let them get free. Thus, a loving, touching, scary story is opened up.


  In addition, yuki midorikawa has another special work called Yinghuozhisen is also really moving ,sad and beautiful. I suggest that you all can watch it when you have free time.



  It has been widely reported that the economic recession has hobbled young people in debt and joblessness, making themless likely to buy some of the staples of adulthood, including cars. It becomes a big problem to car company, they may have tried to hook in young drivers,like most consumer companies, they like to appeal to young people early on, but learned it was not working.


  Several reasons can account for this phenomenon. In the first place, cars have become less affordable forcash-strapped young adults, and driving simple does not seem as cool as it once was. For a young adult who just coming out of college, it is almost impossibleto buy a car by themselves within 3 years. Besides, many young adults are willing to live in the place where is nearby their work place with public transportation, according to the survey, and some of them are able to catch aride with others.


  In the second place, young adults are toobusy to get a driver’s license. Most young people have to spend all day longfor their job, and even work overtime. They have to fend themselves, because of it; they don’t have the band width to take on anything else. What is more, lots of young adults think that the internet may have also made driving more of a hassle than a convenience. Why drive to shopping centers when you can order virtually anything online?


  In conclusion, it has become a fact that young adults have less interested in cars, however, it may be a good thing for air pollution and crude oil crisis.



  On Blind-date Shoing more and more popular. Whenever we turn on TV, those incredible scenes of blind-date shows would pop up on the screen.

  Many people, from teenagers to the elderly, are so crazy about these shows that they never miss a single chance to watch them.Three reasons would contribute to the popularity of these blind-date shows.

  To begin with, there are over 180 million people who remain single long after they have reached official age for marriage. Moreover, a great number of people would like to amuse themselves by watching other people dating.

  Last but not least, more and more television producers add a couple of attractive elements to cater for the different tastes of the audiences.In my view, the government should impose restrictions to these blind-date shows.

  Many of these shows advocate money-worship and materialism; quite a few of the guests' identities are artificial. If these problems are not solved, the misleading effects can bedisastrous.


  When a couple gets married, it is natural for them to receive wishes from relatives and friends. Recently, a young couple showed the message of their coming wedding, but the public criticized the man, because they believed he was committing crime as he fell in love with a girl when she was 8 years old.


  The man and the little girl’s story seems to be romantic. But thinking of the girl’s young age when they met, and she was just a little girl, it is unbelievable. Though now she is almost 18, their story worries so many parents. They are so afraid of the negative information releases to the young children, when they don’t know the concept of love. From 8 to 18, the girl’s growing period is accompanied by this man who is much older than her, while I don’t favor of this way.


  The girl was misled by the wrong conception. Someone told her when she was 18, they would be married. As she is young and innocent, even she is 18, she doesn’t have much chance to see the variety of the world. The way she sees the world is misled by this elder man.


  A child’s growing up should be natural and led by the right value.



  1、 has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. 已成 为人们的热点话题,尤其是在年轻人当中,并且引起了激烈的争论。

  2、 has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

  在我们的日常生活中扮演着越来越 重要的角色。它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引起了一些严重的问题。

  3、 is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, can’t be avoided.

  在我 们的日常生活中普遍存在。无论我们做什么,都无法避免

  4、 is now , and at the same time, . These two factors have caused . Then what shall we do to solve in the face of such a situation?

  现在,与此同时,。这两 个因素造成了那么面对这种情形,我们应该怎样做才能解决呢?

  5、 just like many other things, are preferred by . While being attacked by the idea that some people consider . They point out that .

  象其他许多东西一样,受到的 青睐。尽管受到观念的冲击,一些人仍认为他们指出

  6、According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the table/chart/bar graph/line graph, it can be seen that … while …. Obviously, …, but why?

  根据表格(图表、柱状图、曲线图)中的`数 据(数字、统计数字、百分比),我们可以看出而很显然,,但原因何在呢?

  7、According to the two graphs presented, it can be observed that . In the left graph, . At the same time, , as the right graph shows.

  根据所示 图表,我们可观察到在左图中,同时,右图表明

  8、At no point in history has the issue of been more than .

  有史以 来,问题从未比更

  9、Everything has two sides and is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

  任何事物 都有两方面,也不例外,它既有优点也有缺点。

  10、Faced with ..., quite a few people argue that .

  面 对,许多人争辩道:

  11、For years had been viewed as . But people are taking a fresh look at it now.

  多年 来,一直被看作但人们现在对它有了新的认识。

  12、From the graph / chart, we know the statistics of and . It can be seen easily that .

  从表 (图)中,我们得知和的统计数字。很容易看出

  13、In recent years, there is a general tendency to . According to a study, there is , compared with last year. Why ?

  近年 来,成为一种普遍趋势。根据一项研究,与去年相比,原因何在?

  14、It has been stipulated by the government that . To this stipulation, many people respond actively because . 政府规 定许多人对此规定积极回应,因为

  15、It is only during the last few years that man has become generally aware that .

  就在前几 年,人们才开始普遍意识到

  16、Man is now facing a big problem — , which is becoming more and more serious. First, . Second, . 人类现在 面临着一个大问题——,且此问题正日益严重。首先,其次,

  17、Many people are inclined to . In their opinion, They believe that .

  许多人往 往在他们看来他们相信

  18、Never in our history has the idea that ... been so popular.

  的看 法在我们的历从未如此受欢迎。

  19、Now / Perhaps most dangerous / undesirable / harmful for our nation / society / world / college is the trend / tendency / phenomenon of which is apparent / obvious / evident in

  现在(可能)对我国(社会、世界、我 校)最危险(不利、有害)的就是趋势(现象),在中尤为明显。

  20、Now in many big cities / countries, an overwhelming majority of the public / a significant proportion of college population

  如今在许 多大城市(国家)中,绝大部分公众(大部分高校学生)都


  Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, internet and electronic commerce have been very popular in our daily lives. For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical equipment, on some famous website, likeTaobao, EBay and Alibaba, through many courier companies. As we all known, online shopping has many advantages. Firstly, online shopping is more convenient than traditional means. We can find a shop with so many goods that we may favor, while all these just need clicking our mouse and typing-in the key word of what we want to find. And it also saves our a great some of time. Secondly, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. Online shopping can provide massinformation about products which can be suit for customer's needs, tastes, and preferences. Thirdly, as without traditional warehouses and retail shops, online shopping has can make us gain lower costs and prices. However, in spite of its advantages, we can't turn a blind eye to its disadvantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first disadvantage.

  Customers always buy fake commodities which are not described as online shops. In addition, it's troublesome and annoying for us to make a change when they are not satisfied with what we bought online. The second disadvantage is security issues. When we shop online, we need pay for the commodities by electronic payments, but hackers can invade our computers and steal our information, this is not safe for online shopping.


  When you go to work in the morning and find that traffic lights don't work, the traffic jam will certainly happen. A patient needs to be operated on at once. What will happen if the operation cannot be made because of the electricity. Without electricity, we can neither watch TV, listen to the tape, nor chat on line. Electricity is closely related to our daily life.

  How terrible it would be if there were no electricity!




  The world is enveloped in moonlight. A poetic feeling arises and softness pervades the atmosphere. At this time, a breeze of ten accompanies the silvery light of the moon and gives the world a peculiar appearance and the people a peculiar feeling. The air is suffused with a sweet scent, driving away the ugliness and squal or of the daytime, soothing the distressed and wretched souls. If

  you sing a song, your voice will reach the clouds. If you read a poem, it will echo in the mountains and valleys far away. If you hum a lullaby, its rhythm will send the whole sleepless city to dreams.


  nowadays, to keep up with the quickening pace of our society, many people turn to fast food to cut down their time spent in eating. actually, i am no eception.

  well, what eact attitude should we take towards fast food? firstly, we acknowledge that it really gratifies our strong desire to save time. nevertheless, every coin has two sides. relying on fast food on a long-term basis may cause a person to suffer from malnutrition. what is more serious is that some fast food contains many calories which can turn into fat. as we know, too much fat is harmful to our health.

  therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to cook fast food, such as adding in more nutritional ingredients, and manage to create more kinds of fast food to meet peoples needs. nonetheless, we should remember that we should not depend too much on fast food.


  My name is WangKe. I am work in China Minsheng Banking for five years.


  At the start,I try my best to study professional knowledge .


  When I was a customer servicer of pesonal loan,I knew well withLending policies , Preferential measures ,Accumulation fund,Lending rates 。


  In these basis ,I was buying a house in 20xx early.I use the best way to repay loan.


  The most important is thehouse price in shanghai was rising and rising.


  Thank God,I love this job.It made me spend less money to buy the house.







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