

时间:2024-05-29 12:39:09 英语四级作文 我要投稿





  From the bar chart given above,we can observe that it reflects the statistics of income among people of different educational background. Those who possess a doctoral degree earn 1,551dollars median weekly,ranking first among people of other education level. The median weekly earnings of people with associate degree and below can not reach the average of 797 dollars,ranking from 768 dollars to 451 dollars. As for the unemployment rate,2.5 % of people with doctoral degree will suffer form unemployment. However,the unemployment rate of people with some college,no degree and lower degree surpass the mean value of7.6%,ranking from 8.7% to 14.1%.

  The bar chart of Education Pays reveals a phenomenon that there exits some difference in incomes and unemployment rate among people with different educational level. Quite a few reasons can account for this phenomenon: for one thing,with the advancement of technology and the adjustment of industrial structure,quite a few high-tech industries emerge overnight,which leads to a soar demand of workforces with high educational degree,thus,it is natural that graduates with bachelor’ and higher degree get a high pay-packet and enjoy a stable job. Additionally,those with educational background under associate degree are easily dismissed and paid by low salary. They can be replaced any time due to the fact that their jobs are easy and can be finished by average people.

  Definitely,the higher education degree you get,the more likely you are to enjoy a competitive edge in the employment market. Thus,the authorities should enforce some policies to ensure the equity of education. Only in this way can more people lead a stable and comfortable life.


  At present, a wide vareity of credit cards issued by major banks and shopping malls are thriving in colleges and universities across the nation, with a multitude of college students making up a growing population of card holders. Indeed, one out of five students is estimated to be in possession of at least one credit card, and the figure is expected to be on the steady increse, the latest data published by Yangtze Evening Post suggests。

  Like anything prior to the emergence of this small piece of plastic, the increasing popularity of credit card on campus has both bright and dark sides. On the one hand, young adults in college, free from the trouble of pocketing a considerable sum of cash, could enjoy the convenience of credit cards and purchase expensive goods by installments. On the other hand, however, the irresponsible and excessive use of the cards by these youngsters, the majority of whom are fresh out of middle school incapable of budgeting their money, can make them heavily in debt which will take them years to pay off。

  On my personal level, while enjoying a host of conveniences the credit card may bring, we couldnt afford to ignore a conspicious fact: in most cases, parents are our sole financial sources.Instead of spending without any restrict, we are supposed to put studies on the top of our agenda and move ourselves beyond heavy dependence upon our parents。


  It is nothing unusual to find overprotective parents who help their children in all aspects of life.

  The question is, are they sure their heart loaded with love will bring good to their children? Let's look at the real situation of the second-rich generation. Some of them, rather than becoming the second-strong generation, becomes the defeated generation which is notorious for their life focused on consumption rather than creation.

  Because of the changes of education in history, most Chinese parents, though successfully accumulate wealth, don't know much about the right value they should pass on to the new generation. They have tried all that they can to be good parents while neglecting the core value they should address, which is INDEPENDENCE.

  How should parents help children to be independent? They should give their children the freedom to make choices for themselves. Children cannot be happy if they don't have control over their life, which in daily life, means they make choices for themselves, like, what to eat, what to wear, what career to take, what kind of spouse they are going to marry.

  Some parents may be open-minded enough to let their children to make these tiny decisions about food and clothes, but when it comes to the big ones, they are too anxious to let their children have a try. They used to be young and they made mistakes and now it is their sons and daughters' turn to be young—the deep love and care is so intense that it becomes even suffocating--they are reluctant to give their children opportunities to start to be responsible for their own lives.


  Looking up Health Information on the lnternet.

  As we can see from the chart above, in the United States in 20xx, a lit-tle less than a half of men looked up health information on the Internet, whilemore than half women did the same, especially women aged between 25 and34. However, a majority of adults over 65 would not like to do so.

  Two conclusions can be drawn from the survey. One is that adults below 65years old are more concerned with their health than aged adults. It"s not difficult tospeculate the reason: middle aged adults have to stay healthy to support the family,so they care very much about their own health conditions. The other conclusion isthat women care more about health than men do. The reason might be somethinglike this: women are more sensitive and more vulnerable to diseases.  .In my opinion, it"s necessary for adults to care about their health condi-tions, but looking up information on the Internet is not a smart choice. It"s bet-ter to go to see the doctor when you feel uncomfortable.


  country of immigrants

  who are these people rushing by you on the street? more than 200 million now call america home, but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world. if you look at the names on shop windows,you will see that americans come from many different lands. the idea that these people, who once were strangers to the united states, have lost the customs and cultures of their original countries and have become american is not really true.

  in fact. what eists in america is more often a kind of side-by-side living in which groups of people from other countries often have kept many of their customs and habits.they join the general american society only in certain areas of their lives such as in schools,businesses,and sports but they keep many of their own native customs and manners socially and at home. this living side-by-side has both advanrages and disadvantages. sometimes it may cause disagreements between groups whose ways of life are very different from one another. however, there are also great advantages that come from different kinds of cultures brought by settlers from other lands. there is great freedom of choice among ideas, dresses, food, and social customs in america. everyone can find some part of his or her familiar world in the united states.



  事实上,现在美国存在的更是一种“并行的”生活方式,这种生活方式中,来自于其他国家的人群经常保留着许多他们自己的风俗和习惯。他们只是在生活的某些方面——例如学校、商业和运动——加入了一般美国社会,但在社会上家庭中他们还保留着许多自己国家的风俗和礼仪。这种“并行的`”生活方式既有利也有弊。有时它可能导致生活方式相去甚远的群体之间产生分歧。但是从其他国家来的定居者带来不同种类的文化,这也有着巨大的优势。 美国在观点、服装、食物、社会习俗等问题上有着巨大的选择的自由。在美国每个人都可以在教堂、音乐、食物、国家组织或报纸中找到他或她所熟悉的那个世界的某个部分。


  Many young people in China today prefer Western holidays to traditional Chinese festivals. Christmas is now celebrated by the younger generation all over China, and it has become especially popular as a romantic holiday for boyfriends and girlfriends or young married couples. Valentine's Day is also extremely popular, and even Halloween is being celebrated now.

  This phenomenon has actually developed quite naturally in recent decades due to our educational system's focus on English study and therefore on English-speaking cultures. To many students, Western culture has become a symbol of self-expression and freedom from restraint. Celebrating Western holidays has become a way for students to express their love of something different from traditional Chinese culture, and to have fun together with their own generation.

  In my opinion, it's fine for students learning English and studying English-speaking cultures to celebrate Western holidays with their teachers and classmates. However, the way I see it, unless the young people later go abroad to live in those cultures, there is no reason for them to continue to celebrate them. We Chinese should hold on to our traditional festivals, the festivals which we have celebrated for centuries.


  Today in China, many families have only one child. So the children usually doted upon by all family members. Gradually some of them get used to depending on their parents and family members, as a result they lack the ability to face their lives by themselves.

  There are some ways to help children to be independent. First, the child should have a chance to see the world around him individually to understand that there are various people and competitions in their lives, and learn to find his right position in the society only by individual efforts. Second, it is impossible to ask a child not to depend on parents at once.The parents may give the child enough help and space to make him feel comfortable. A child needs help from their families. Because without any help, the child may lose his faith. Thirdly, parents can help their children make their own decisions, which can challenge his ability to deal with problems. A child should be praised when he is successful or encouraged when he fails.

  To be independent is vital for the children, because no parents can go with their children for the whole life. Only an independent person can live and enjoy a full and meaningful life.


  Teachers Should Put Students First

  "Runner Fan", nickname of Fan Meizhong, who ran out of the classroom leaving his students behind during the May 12 earthquake, has caused a controversy concerning traditional Chinese values. Many people regard his action as wrong and a direct violation of teachers responsibility and I would have to agree with them.

  Firstly, it is the responsibility of a teacher to protect his students safety by la Being concerned solely fol his own life and leaving his students behind while fleeing violates the spirit of the la In an emergency, each teacher is responsible for the direct supervision of his students. Furthermore, it will be of great help if they can direct the evacuation of their students to designated assembly areas in accordance with warning signals and written notification. It is out of the question that they should not remain with their students until rescue crews arrive. Secondly, teachers act as a role model for their students. The Compulsory Education Law does stipulate that “a teacher should be a model of virtue for others and should be devoted to the education of the people." Teachers not only teach students how to think, but also how to behave to support others in society. Fleeing the classroom and leaving the students behind in an emergency sets a bad example for students.

  To conclude, teachers are responsible for students safety in an emergency. Teachers are expected to demonstrate responsible behaviour and they ought to be specifically trained to deal with emergency situations.


  Currently, we could hardly live a single day without seeing a celebrity spokesperson promoting a product or a social campaign on TV, net or other media。 This is an intensely popular trend that we cannot fail to notice。

  There is no doubt that the celebrity spokespeople could boost the sale of a product。 A host of celebrity spokespersons, however, have emerged as the marketing tool of some companies, even companies producing and selling fake and inferior items。 This kind of behavior has produced negative impacts on consumers and whole society, which should be severely criticized and penalized。 Of course, as is known to all, everything has both bright and dark sides。 Some stars endorsement of social activities and public campaigns raises public awareness, giving rise to changes in public behavior。 In this case, they serve as positive role models of the general public。 To name only one case: Pu CX, a household figure, acting as the celebrity spokesman of the China AIDS Foundation, contributes greatly to the cause of AIDS prevention and cure in China。




  On Cosmetic Surgeries

  In recent years,there have appeared more and more artificial beauties around us.Not only those actresses but also many ordinary women are crazy about cosmetic surgeries.They fail to resist the temptation of becoming more beautiful by changing some parts of their bodies within a few hours’ surgery.

  What are responsible for the prevalence of cosmetic surgeries? Firstly,thanks to the development of shaping techniques,the chances of successful surgeries have increased greatly,which makes more people begin to believe and accept cosmetic surgeries.Secondly, with the improvement of living standard,people have more money to satisfy their nature of pursuing beauty.

  From my point of view,cosmetic surgeries have their necessity of existence in modern society.They do help some people build confidence by giving them a beautiful face or figure. However,cosmetic surgeries cannot bring permanent beauty and might be dangerous.Besides,I think one’s inner beauty is more important.Therefore,I suggest that people should think twice before deciding to accept cosmetic surgeries.


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:








  Online Games

  As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents.

  However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

  From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. But if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.


  Nowadays humanity is faced with a lot of troublesome problems: energy threatening the survival of humanity. Therefore, stone people are pessimistic about the future of humanity.

  They are pessimistic because they think that limited energy on earth will be exhausted soon; incurable diseases are threatening more people's lives; pollution is worsening the environment; population explosion will make food shortage even more serious.

  Actually they needn't worry too much about these problems. Scientists will have developed new energy resources by the time oil and coal are used up. Besides, scientists are making a thorough study of genes and they will manage to cure cancer by adjusting the arrangement of genes. They are also making efforts to control pollution and population. Furthermore, all the governments in the world are concerned about these problems and they have taken measures to solve these problems.

  Therefore, we have every reason to be sure that human beings will conquer nature but they will never be conquered.


  a mobile phone has no wires and can be carried about in your pocket or your bag. it is smart. if you need to ring someone, you just press the numbers and the phone will connect you to the right number. you can take it with you wherever you go.

  a cordless phone also has no wires. it can be useful in the office or the factory. imagine that you are working in an office and a suctomer calls you asking for some information. if you have a cordless phone, you can carry it with you and look up the information that your caller wants. in other words, you can walk to a distant part of the office or factory to check the information without putting the phone down.

  one new model has lately been developed for business people. with this phone, you do not have to look up the number of the percon you want to ring.the phone has a small computer in it. you say the name of the person you want to ring. the phone recognizes the name and then dials the corret number. you can record up to 20 different names on this kind of phone. if you are a person who offen forgets people's telephone numbers this could be the phone for you. however you have to remember their names.









  Is Television a Blessing or a Curse

  "Early bird catches the worm" is a well-known proverb which all of us are familiar with.I fully agree with it and its implication,in my mind, can be justified in three respects.

  First,it takes time to accomplish a task the earlier you begin,the more likely you will reach your goal earlier.Otherwise you call never be sure of your success.Second,when diligence becomes a habit,nothing will be difficult to a determined and persistent person.For example,you will never feel bored and tired at doing social investigation if you really enjoy it.Third,looking at the matter from another perspective,we will find that social resources are always limited and opportunities are always for those prepared minds.

  Living in an age when most people are intelligent,diligence seems more than necessary.As the modem competition becomes more and more fierce,we should realize the importance of early beginning.(152 words)





  last summer i took my first airplane flight from yantai to i'an.

  five minutes after i boarded the plane and was directed to my seat by a stewardess the plane took off. then from the public address system came the sweet voice of a stewardess to welcome us abroad.meanwhile magazines and newspapers were distributed and coffee was offered. when i felt cold, i was given a blanket. when i felt airsick, i was given a paper bag. it was really nice.

  i sat by a window and could enjoy a splendid view outside. the land was like a colored chessboard, dotted with linelike highways and railways and speck-like buildings.the white belt-like rivers were gleaming in the sunshine. far away i could see lot of cotton-like clouds which were very beautiful. i felt quite ecited.

  about an hour later, we made a perfect landing. so i got to my destination fresh and uncrupled.










